Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Article: The Billion$ God Trilogy - Part 1

In The Beginning [2011] - dir. Michael Bay

Adam - Zac Efron / Eve - Megan Fox / Voice of the Serpent - Nicolas Cage / Cane - Ben Affleck / Abel - Matt Damon / David - Liev Schreiber / Saul - Alan Rickman / Soloman - George Clooney / Noah - Sam Neill / Samson - Arnold Schwarzenegger / Ahab - Gabriel Byrne / Jezebel - Sharon Stone / Job - Tim Robbins / Moses - Russell Crowe / Abraham - Anthony Hopkins / Voice of God - Morgan Freeman

Picture this, a RED EPIC 5K digital print presented in next generation RealD, who better to capture the creation story than Michael Bay,

Article: The Billion$ God Trilogy - THE PITCH!

Elevator Pitch
Picture this... "3 movies, 3 holiday release dates, imagine Moses meets Transformers, Jesus is Mr. White and The Devils Rejects on a global scale. A cast of thousands, 3 of the hottest directors on the planet, the greatest story never told (like this before)."

The Reasoning
With the imminent release of Roland Emmerich's latest disaster spectacular 2012, and all the conspiracy theories floating around the web about Planet X, 2012 and the Mayan prophecies, doesn't now seem the perfect time to make THE definitive film trilogy based on the single biggest selling book in the world... OK I may be facetiously proposing this, but seriously it makes sense... doesn't it?

Article: Cinema - The Next Generation...

As I mentioned before in this blog, I have been severely lacking when it comes to movies and the whole cinema experience over this past 12 months. In fact up until last week my last visit to the cinema was to see Slumdog Millionaire... before it got nominated for the Oscar; may I add... and that experience was less than ideal from a picture quality perspective.